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Welcome to the “Travel Hi Five!”.  I am more than excited to be a contributor to The Compass for what I hope to be a regular series that you will want to return to with each release.   What exactly is the Travel Hi Five you might ask? This is a celebration of the good news, hard work, lessons learned and of all the successes happening around our industry. As a business coach for travel advisors at all levels I have the good fortune of hearing about the trials, tribulations and triumphs that happen on an everyday basis. There is no way that you can be an entrepreneur for your own agency or owner of a larger agency without understanding that life happens at the same time we are running a business!

What I find most common amongst our kind is that life sometimes gets in the way of the joy we derive in travel. What might you find each time you come back to the Travel Hi Five?  My hope is that you find some inspiration in the stories or interviews with people working in this great industry we love. I imagine the Hi Five being that visual image of celebration for a job well done. I may even Hi Five someone virtually for thriving in this business another day while being able to share what they learned from the hard stuff too! 

There is meaning in the number part of the name Hi Five as well. Each time I hope to ask 5 thought provoking questions of my interview subject that we can all learn from. When it is a story, I will share 5 key ideas that you can put into practice or learn from each time. As I hope you can see, this will be a good cross section across our industry. This is where you come in… If you have a unique story to tell or know of someone I should interview for this feature then let me know. Know a key supplier contact you think we can all learn from? I want to share their story too. 

Now that you know what to expect each time you visit this feature, I want to leave you with some thoughts about celebrating success in your own businesses, no matter how large or small. I am reminded of this quote from Nelson Mandla; “Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead”. This is so vitally important for you as a small business owner and here are FIVE thoughts about why:

  • When you don’t take time to honor an anniversary in business, a financial goal achieved or even a client you worked hard on to book, then we tell our subconscious brain that it does not matter.
  • We get so busy in the “doing” of our business it becomes habit to not acknowledge what we have actually accomplished.
  • Recognize that you are among a few who were brave enough to step out and do something on your own. Celebrate that courage and strength!
  • Celebrates “wins” no matter how small or large. You may think it does not matter but it does!
  • Do something for YOU as a celebration, it does not have to be grandiose. Maybe a pedicure, take that cooking class or go for a walk. The point is do something meaningful to you.

Speaking of celebrations, I invite you back each time to get that boost of inspiration you may be in need of that week.  Who knows, maybe it will be your story I can share so that others can learn from and celebrate you and this industry.

Here is to Your Success! – Coach Martin

About the Author

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Martin Mussey is a Certified Business Coach, Certified Travel Industry Executive and a Business Development and Education Manager at Nexion Travel Group and Travel Leaders of Tomorrow. #CoachMartin works with travel professionals at all levels using his award winning Business Coaching program. Martin's brand of travel advisor focused consultation where they are the HERO in their own story is on display with the business consulting service Business Success Journeys program at Nexion Travel Group. When Martin is not coaching or traveling himself he enjoys the arts, both on stage and off. He has served in technical roles and on the board of directors for two arts organizations in Dallas. Supporting the idea that art and life mirror each other, Coach Martin has presented workshops on applied improvisation as it relates to business owner adaptability and success.


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