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It’s already February, the season of love, and time for another edition of the “Travel Hi Five!”. In our ongoing series here on The Compass; Travel Hi Five represents a celebration of the good news, hard work and lessons learned while getting to know great people in this industry. As your “coach” and travel friend, this month I wanted to chat with someone closer to The Compass home. My conversation reminded me of the real meaning behind travel being a “relationship business”. So how fitting that in the month of February we talk a bit about relationships and the impact they have on travel, both personally and professionally. With that, I am happy to present someone I consider a friend inside the industry and out. 

Meet Beth Kitzman, Business Development Manager for VAX VacationAccess focused on the agency channels as a part of Trisept Solutions. Or as we know them, the technology that powers VAX VacationAccess. Whenever I introduce Beth for training always refer to VAX as a travel advisor’s best friend. When people like Beth are behind educating advisors about it you get it. Beth is also a contributor to The Compass (Beth’s Buzz) but how well do we know her? If you read her last article you get some sense of this Midwest girl from Milwaukee who started her travel career at Disney World after college, worked in the airline industry at Midwest for 10 years and then Trisept Solutions and a part of the VAX VacationAccess family for almost 10 years. You want some amazing symmetry? Did you know that prior to that she was a band director for 10 years inside of elementary and middle school education for TEN years? Something about those 10-year milestones. No fear! Beth plans to stay beyond 10 years in her current role that she LOVES. Which is evident in our interview so let’s get to it:

What keeps you up at night?

Will I be able to get to the different destinations I want to get to? You know the different ones on the bucket list I want to get to. I think that right now, with how the pandemic has changed things, it makes me wonder or worry that it might prevent our ability to get to some places that I have always wanted to get to. Along with that it could be that pricing has changed and may prevent my ability to go as well. So yes, that is the first thing that I think of that keeps me up.

What travel destination is on your “must do” list for you or those you talk to?   

One of the beauties of what I do is that I get to see things at conferences that present all kinds of possibilities that I might not have known about otherwise. Hawaii has always been one of those places that I have dreamed of going to as a part of the industry. I realize this is something I need to experience. Then you can’t leave out Alaska and it’s natural beauty. Europe is also on the list. We had a foreign exchange student from Italy live with us when my daughter was a senior in high school. After hearing so much about Italy from him and how he grew up it made me really want to travel to Europe to experience it, on the rivers or on land. Greece! Oy my gosh the list is too long. (editorial note: I asked Beth a follow up question on what she tells people based on her industry experience) I have been to Mexico many times and I think the culture is amazing. I especially like Puerta Vallarta, but I have not been disappointed anywhere in Mexico. I think people should definitely experience that culture. It is so close to us. That is what travel is about, gaining an appreciation for other people and their cultures.

What motivates you every day to get up and do the work in this industry?  What is your “Why”?

To do whatever it takes to make it easier for people to be able to do their job in this industry. If I can help show them the efficiencies, tools or inspiration. Our industry needs to stay alive and while I feel I am not a huge force in it, I do feel like even my little efforts can make a difference for some advisors. Hopefully that helps the overall picture for them. Also, it is about building relationships. That’s part of it too with the opportunity to travel for my work. Getting to see people face to face and really get to know them. The relationships that I built in this industry are so dear to my heart. That is what keeps me going too.

What advice would you give an advisor to keep their business afloat during these times?

I would tell them to put in the work that is needed so that they CAN succeed, and that means taking the available trainings and webinars. Use whatever resources are out there so that they can do the homework for themselves that helps them do the job. Recognize that while there are great people and technology resources you can call on; they are not there to do the work for you. Sometimes those resources reside within your host agency or inside of an agency you’re employed at. Use the resources at your fingertips, even if it’s on VAX VacationAccess. That is my advice, to be committed to grow and learn through those resources and put them to use for yourself.

What tricks or tips do you have for social media marketing?

Well I am not a marketing expert, but I do know that the options we offer on VAX are of great help. For example, the Travel Inspo Tool Kit; if you are unsure of what to be posting on social media then jump on there. The Compass has a huge abundance of resources and articles on that topic. These resources can help advisors inspire and educate their clients on what is actually happening in the industry. It can help address what their client might be afraid of, but they don’t have to be. Between The Compass and the Travel Inspo Tool Kit, we really try to provide content that will help advisors impact their social market so they can have a social media impact. When I am out talking to advisors, I hear people being unsure of how often they should post and what content. Should they post on their own personal page or should they have a business page; you know those kinds of things. There are a lot of people in the industry that don’t necessarily know how to do it. Look to your resources for help. 


I asked Beth if she wanted to share any final thoughts with the readers. Her reply? “Just that I really love the industry. When it gets in your blood it’s really hard to think about not being a part of it. For the benefit of what we can do for the whole world. You know, the more we have traveled the more we can feel like we are all a part of this earth and this human existence. We should all be working together to make things better.”  So dear reader, if that doesn’t make you feel the love this February, I don’t know what will. Thank you, Beth! 

Have a question you think should be considered for future editions of Travel Hi Five? Get in touch with me at Until next time – Here’s to Your Success! 

About the Author

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Martin Mussey is a Certified Business Coach, Certified Travel Industry Executive and a Business Development and Education Manager at Nexion Travel Group and Travel Leaders of Tomorrow. #CoachMartin works with travel professionals at all levels using his award winning Business Coaching program. Martin's brand of travel advisor focused consultation where they are the HERO in their own story is on display with the business consulting service Business Success Journeys program at Nexion Travel Group. When Martin is not coaching or traveling himself he enjoys the arts, both on stage and off. He has served in technical roles and on the board of directors for two arts organizations in Dallas. Supporting the idea that art and life mirror each other, Coach Martin has presented workshops on applied improvisation as it relates to business owner adaptability and success.


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