Coach Martin shares his thoughts on how advisors can adapt more sustainable practices to grow their businesses.
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Contiki shares their 2022 travel trend predictions.
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A growing trend puts local communities at the heart of the trip.
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An increasingly popular trend, destination dupes imitate the qualities of hotspot locations without the steep price tag.
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Sustainable travel is so much more than a buzzword or a trend.
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Yoga is now a big travel trend, with travelers wanting everything from full-on yoga retreats to a resort offering morning yoga sessions.
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The concept of travel agents seeking proficiency and professionalism is certainly not a pandemic-specific trend or even at all “new.”
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From Dry January to Sober October … discover what it means to be Sober Curious and how to best serve travelers who are.
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Allianz Partners USA’s 15th Annual Vacation Confidence Index has identified that one in three Americans will choose to work remotely from a vacation destination in 2023, a travel trend that is being led by young Americans (18-34) and has resulted in a new industry term: the “pay-cation."
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The company found destinations like Nice, France and London, England are catching travelers' eyes.
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