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Welcome to December! You are almost there; the end of another busy year in your travel business and I am sure life. Be sure to give yourself a high-five or ask someone next to you at this very moment to give you a high-five. Who cares if you feel a little silly, just do it. If they ask why just say it is because we are awesome humans. I promise that you deserve it because I know so many of you have been working extra hard this year. When you look at news about our industry it seems that it has been a banner year with all indications for a fast start to 2024. Has it all been easy? Certainly not, but my hope is that it has been rewarding. For this holiday edition of Travel Hi Five, I thought I would be brief and share with you some “CHEER” in the form of some tips to prepare yourself for the coming year. These are not hard and, in some cases, I just want you to be able to pause and think back on the year that was.


Take stock of what you have accomplished this past year. This is a harder exercise than some people expect. It is because you might be thinking it has to be MAJOR things. Make it easier on yourself and count the easy wins too. For some of you, just getting this business started in the first place is a major accomplishment, no matter where your business is at. For others, it was booking that one client or product that seemed impossible a few months ago. I assure you that we all have wins that we can celebrate. Why is this important? If you let the moment to pass you by without honoring it as a “win,” then all future accomplishments are at risk of just becoming ho-hum and expected. Celebrate what you created with your own hard work.

Have Faith

Related to the prior tip to celebrate, you also have to have faith that what you did was enough. Having faith is not just reserved for the religious. This kind of faith is believing in yourself and believing in a brighter future. From the Oxford dictionary the definition of faith I am talking about is defined as a “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” I don’t know about you, but when I joined this industry back in 2012, first as a travel advisor, I had one belief; I was so confident that this was where I was meant to be. That meant that no matter my sales volume or how much commission I had earned I wanted to learn more and do more in this industry. So, have faith that you are right where you need to be in this moment.


There will be time for the planning next month, but for now, there is a ton of value in doing a bit of evaluation. Consider how the year has gone. What worked for you? What didn’t? With those answers comes the next question, what might you do differently? Jot down some notes and keep them in a place that you can reference next month. Those notes will serve you well when it comes time in January to start setting your goals and working toward them in the new year.


January is around the corner and that also means tax season will be upon us. Estimating is what you want to do right now to prepare mentally for what you need to be thinking about. Don’t worry about hard facts and figures right now but estimate how long it will take to find your records. Can you find the information for the financials in your business easily? What will it take to replicate what you sold and earned in commission in this last year? This follows the principle that at least considering it and thinking through it a bit will subconsciously prepare you for January. It is what I call setting the compass for your brain.


If you took stock and thought through the last four tips I shared, then it is time to relax. Rest easy knowing that your business will be here and ready after you have taken some time to spend with your family, friends or chosen family. Be sure to take time for yourself as well. Sometimes thinking about everyone else’s needs makes it easy to forget about our own. While you’re at it, make sure to put a vacation on the calendar for next year. And I mean an honest to goodness relaxing vacation away!

So there you have it my friends. However you may celebrate the season, I do wish you much joy, happiness and CHEER. It has been my pleasure being with you monthly this past year. In 2024, Travel Hi-Five will be offered every other month so be on the lookout as I embark on my third year writing for The Compass. And, thanks to the team at The Compass for all that they do! I personally am looking forward to what a new year will bring for all of you as well as for my family. As always, here is to your success!

About the Author

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Martin Mussey is a Certified Business Coach, Certified Travel Industry Executive and a Business Development and Education Manager at Nexion Travel Group and Travel Leaders of Tomorrow. #CoachMartin works with travel professionals at all levels using his award winning Business Coaching program. Martin's brand of travel advisor focused consultation where they are the HERO in their own story is on display with the business consulting service Business Success Journeys program at Nexion Travel Group. When Martin is not coaching or traveling himself he enjoys the arts, both on stage and off. He has served in technical roles and on the board of directors for two arts organizations in Dallas. Supporting the idea that art and life mirror each other, Coach Martin has presented workshops on applied improvisation as it relates to business owner adaptability and success.


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