"Traveling with Denella Ri’chard," the critically acclaimed television series that takes viewers on immersive journeys around the globe, is thrilled to announce exciting updates for its upcoming season. With new shows, a new broadcast time in South Florida and a new city as its focus, "Traveling with Denella Ri’chard" promises to deliver even more captivating adventures and cultural explorations to its audience.
The show, which has garnered widespread acclaim and multiple television Telly Awards and Travel Weekly Magellan Awards for its innovative storytelling and stunning cinematography, is set to embark on a new chapter that will delight viewers and travel enthusiasts alike.
New Shows
"Traveling with Denella Ri’chard" is introducing new shows in Season 7. This season, you can expect to see Denella cruising with AmaWaterways along the iconic Rhine River in Europe, sailing with luxury cruise line Windstar in the Mediterranean and French Polynesia, and visiting the beautiful Caribbean island of Curacao. Each episode will showcase the breathtaking ports of call and vibrant cultures of the featured destinations and delve into the personal stories and immersive experiences of local residents. From hidden gems to iconic landmarks, viewers can expect a rich tapestry of narratives that highlight the essence of each location.
New Broadcast Time in South Florida: Miami & Fort Lauderdale
"Traveling with Denella Ri’chard" will air weekly on Fridays at 12:30 pm EST on the CW-WSFL. This will allow more viewers to tune in and experience the wonders of travel from the comfort of their homes. The new time slot ensures that daytime television audiences can enjoy the show at a convenient time, making it accessible to a broader demographic, reaching 1.6 million TV households who are eager to explore the world.
New Market
In addition to the new shows and South Florida day and time update, "Traveling with Denella Ri’chard" will broadcast weekly on Sundays on WATL-MNT in Atlanta, Georgia at 11 am and periodically on WXIA-NBC. Now, viewers in Atlanta can enjoy the “weekly television” series following Denella on her journeys all over the world.
"We are thrilled to unveil these exciting updates for 'Traveling with Denella Ri’chard,'" said Denella Ri’chard, Executive Producer and Host of the show. "Our team has worked tirelessly to create a show that entertains and inspires viewers to embrace the diversity and beauty of our world. With our new shows, daytime broadcast in South Florida, and the addition of the Atlanta market to our weekly series national syndication lineup, we are confident that this season will be our most engaging and memorable yet."